Nice article in today's Hartford Courant about our December campout, what makes the troop great, and the upcoming Mission Impossible. Great to see us in print. Thanks, Sharon!
Two great Eagle Courts of Honor for two great scouts. Huge attendance and lots of alums in attendance. Always great to have them around.
Three scouts led the color guard for Mr. Don Skinner's installation as chief officer of the Simsbury Masonic Lodge on Saturday evening. The Masons sponsored Ryan Holwesko's Eagle project, and Mrs. Skinner has been involved with the troop for many years, spearheading our involvement with special needs scouting.
Two nice shakedown "runs" in fresh snow and sunshine at Stratton Brook with the February Mt. Washington crew. Maybe the strongest group yet. It will be a great trip.
Great troop turnout at Special Olympics Snowshoeing, both as mentors and as participants. Tim Carr, Dan Skinner, and Ben Glatfelter were super fast. Thanks to Ryan Holowesko, John Boysen, Richard Havighorst. and Tyler Drake for helping out.