Three 15 foot lashing towers. First Blue Nose of the Scouting year. Excellent food, nice job cooking. A great hike. The December pioneering campout, run by Greg Hannon with help from Mr. Starrett, Mr. Casalino, and Mr. Hannon, was a huge success.

All 33 scouts returned home tired but (finally) warm. Most followed instructions and brought clothes and gear to comfortably survive the 10° night. Those who didn't (and you know who you are!) would do well to read the
troop's cold weather camping suggestions and gear list (click the link) before next month's Mission Impossible.
Tim Carr deserves special recognition for camping toasty warm for two nights under nothing more than a tarp shelter. It can be done!
Thanks to Mr. Casalino for two great adult meals and an top notch cracker barrel. Even Will Oliver was satisfied!