Saturday, February 27, 2010

Scouting for Boys... and Parents

Click the title for an excellent article about scouting values, the changes/challenges the BSA handbook has gone through, and why Scouts can inspire boys and their parents.  Written by a dad of a soon-to-be Boy Scout.  Made me think about the new scouts and families joining our troops.
Some good quotes to whet your appetite:
"I suppose a handbook won't determine whether my sons have an enriching Scout experience.  Their troop's leaders will.  And I (as a parent) will."

"Scouts founders hoped the BSA could remain above politics and address character.  They couldn't anticipate the day when a future honorary Scout president would insist that the word 'is' has debatable meanings."

"In the end, I think I will do well—as will all parents of boys—if I adopt the goal set out in the first Scoutmaster Handbook: '. . . we have placed the boy in the midst, and have tried to keep his interests in the forefront; for we realize that our purpose in this Boy Scout Movement is not to exploit methods, nor to glorify movements . . . but to lead boys into useful lives.' That's something to which even grown men can aspire."

(Thanks, Jeff Langdell for passing this along.)

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